Lost in Southern Ontario: SAMY'S Alpaca Farm
A place actually exists where you can not only pet alpacas, but you can walk them down a back country road with windmills surrounding you.
I am always down for a farm adventure and anyone that knows me, knows I cannot get enough of cute, cuddly, furry little creatures.
My partner grew up on a farm and every time we visit his family, we pass a field of llamas & alpacas. I always watch, intrigued as they gallivant in fields with their perfectly tousled ‘surfer’ hair that could easily give an herbal essence model a run for their money. Immediately, my brain goes into planning mode.
Must pet Alpacas. Must. Run. Hands. Through. That. Perfect. Hair.
If his jaw was an inch left, it would be in a ditch on the side of the road but his hair game is strong and that can’t be disputed.
In true Luis fashion, I started to do some research on where I could go to meet these unique looking animals. I came across the jackpot of all jackpots: SAMY's Alpaca Farm and Fibre Studio, in Kerwood, Ontario. Their website not only suggests that I could come visit and learn about these animals, but I could also take them on a stroll through a country road. JACK. POT.
After a few exchanges of emails, I booked a trip to the farm, which is located about two and a half hours South West of Toronto. It was a cold, frigid day, with the winds blowing at a higher pace than normal but that wasn’t going to stop me.
When you first arrive, the owner takes you into the alpaca & llama enclosure where you are able to get acquainted and feed them. Immediately, I was in alpaca (& llama) heaven. I was able to pet and get a closer look at those ridiculously adorable faces.
The owner explains the difference between the llama and alpaca (to my relief, because I had no clue). Llamas have longer, curved ears while alpacas have straight ears. Alpacas are smaller and their faces are more smooshed (the perfect recipe for cuteness, in my opinion). Thank god, I did not answer when she asked what the difference between both was because my answer was “those (llamas) are mamas and those (alpacas) are the babies”. Not even close, Luis.
After about 20 minutes, we’re taken to a barn in the back of the house where a few alpacas are ready for their walk. I get introduced to Reuben. His jaw was all kinds of distorted with THE BIGGEST under bite I’d ever seen and that made him perfect. Reuben is a rescue, which made me love him even more.
We harness them up and head for a kilometer walk through a country dirt road with windmills blowing in the distance. Along the walk, the owner tells us more about these adorable little creatures. Overall, it was well worth the trip and I can finally say I got my Alpaca fix.